Sunday, October 16, 2011

Assignment #5

In the scene from the movie Amelie from blog three I feel that the director does follow the 180 rule because for most of the shots the camera is either following or in front of them. But there are many jump cuts in the scene because there are a lot of things being described. They need to jump to them to add coherence between the dialog and the chaotic visuals. In order to make all of these jump cuts work they defiantly use the rule of 30. They change the camera angle at least 30 degrees many times in the scene. For instance the 180 rule is used when the scene starts with the camera to the back of the blind man. Then it jumps all the way across the line of 180 to Amelie who is behind the blind man. Then it jumps back to her walking up behind the blind man to help him cross the street. I feel that this is all coherent because we are introducing the characters of the scene and how they are going to interact. I think that the director also uses the rule of thirds when he places the two of them in the frame together. Each is taking up the edge thirds of the screen. This makes it easy to follow with all of the jump cuts we know where they are going to be in the frame each time. I think that the director of the scene is very talented. Without seeing the whole movie one would be able to realize how happy the blind man is when she is giving him sight of the city street around him. I also feel that to accomplish a scene where there are so many jump cuts and it is so fast and so many things are going on  and not have it be confusing is accomplishing a feat. That is why I feel it is a great example of the use of the rule of 180 and of 30.

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